2020 Year End Book Review
By Clemens Schwaighofer
- 2 minutes read - 356 words2020 Year End Book Review
This is a copy from Medium: https://medium.com/@gullevek/2021-photo-review-ea3192c5fde9
There is pretty much none, as Covid-19 happened. Because of that I started to work at home, without a commute there was no reading time. So since March of 2020 I haven’t finished a single book.
Rama: The Omnibus
(Book 1) Clarke, Arthur C., (Book 2–4) Gentry Lee
Lets split this into two parts. The one part where a book was written by an author and the other part where some wannabe writer tried to build upon that work and utterly failed.
TLDR; The first book is amazing and worth to be read, the others you skip.
5/5 for book 1 0/5 for the rest
Buy the first one, ignore that there were others written.
Der Tod in Venedig
Thomas Mann
Since reading Buddenbrooks I turned into a Mann fan, his writing is simply amazing and in planning to read more of him this year I wanted to read one of his short stories. Well 2020 fucked up and that is the only book I read from him this year. But it was amazing from the first page to the last.
Highly recommended
Agency (Jackpot #2)
William Gibson
I completely missed that he wrote a second book in this universe. A friend of mine talked about being confused by this book because he didn’t read the first one, so I picked it up and well enjoyed it. I wouldn’t give it the highest marks, but it was ok.
Recommended, if you read the first book and also enjoyed it.
Alastair Reynolds
Another short book I wanted to put in between because I planned to read so much more. Well, it didn’t work out. But like “Tod in Venedig”, this book was really amazing. A really good story, compact and well written.
Highly recommended.
The Fountains of Paradise
Arthur C. Clarke
Not finished. Would have, if C wouldn’t have happened. But even unfinished I can say, that I really enjoy this book. On the current status I would recommend it.
Let’s hope that 2021 brings me a bit more time to read.